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My 100 years old Grandma & I
My Grandma's hand and my niece's hand (100 year age difference.)

I believe that the inheritance of invisible values between generations is the true inheritance.                  ~ Sachiko

About Me

 Practitioner of Senior Home Care, End-of-life Care (Palliative Care), Demantia Care at Home

  My name is Sachiko. I moved to the Comox Valley in 2012 from Japan with my family in order to live and raise our children in a rural, simple and self-sustainable lifestyle. We own a small farm called "Heiwa 平和 Farm"  . Farming was a totally new challenge for me, since I was born and raised in an urban environment in Japan. I now enjoy touching soil, planting seeds, growing vegetables and flowers, and taking care of farm animals. The farming experience has taught me a sense of seasons. Not only seasons such as Spring or Summer, but also the seasons of life cycles.


  From the time I was born, my grandmother was always with me. She passed when she was 100 years old. She was sharp and very independent, but gradually became frail and developed dementia. My father always supported her and unobtrusively took care of her very well until she passed. I supported them as a daughter, granddaughter and nurse. Through observing my father taking care of his mother, I received the "Inheritance" of an understanding of the order of life.


  I was working as an RN in major hospitals. A modern hospital provides for the needs of a patient on a technical or clinical level, but, in my experience, with its busy environment, tends not to allow much opportunity to fulfill a patient's needs at a personal level. During my experience as an RN, I met many patients who's wish it was to return home for the remainder of their life, and were unable to. It brought up some questions in me, such as "What is medicine?" or "What is Quality of Life or Quality of Death?"


  Interspersed throughout my nursing career, I took several backpacking tours by myself through various different countries. I was especially interested in developing countries at that time and, when possible, visited their local hospitals. On one such trip, I visited a rural community in Laos. They didn't have much access to modern medical technology. Despite that, the people seemed so happy. From young to old, they supported each other. It lead me to think about about life purpose and happiness.


   It is my intention to provide personalized care based on consideration of the clients' Quality of Life, while allowing as much independence as possible. In the case of someone approaching the end of their life, I can shift my focus of caregiving from that of supporting independence and maintenance of faculties and strength to that of comfort and ease of transition. I would support the client and family as a unit in preparing the home environment ahead of time and assisting the family in dealing with the various aspects of the health care system.


   I am looking forward to meeting you and being of service to you. Thank you for reading.


                                                                                                                      Sachiko Goski








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